How long does an acupuncture session last?
Generally about an hour.
What should I wear?
Loose comfortable clothing. Typically the acupuncture needles are inserted below the knees and elbows, into the abdomen, on the back or on the head. We roll up trousers and sleeves to access the limbs so clothing that is loose and will roll up is best.
How do I take my herbs?
You can make a herbal tea by adding them to boiling water. Or you can put them into your regular tea or coffee. If you find them bitter to taste, you can sweeten your drink with some honey. You can also put them into a spoonful of yoghurt or similar and get them down the hatch!
Do you have parking at the clinic?
Yes we have plenty of parking at the clinic. Our rooms are on the ground floor so there are no stairs to contend with.